Tandem techniques: the novelty of aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery

Tandem techniques: the novelty of aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery
Tandem techniques: the novelty of aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery

The demand for aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery procedures has never been as high as in recent years: according to the American Society Plastic Surgeons, the number of requests has increased by 200% compared to 2000. An astonishing figure destined to rise.

However, it does not apply to all methods. "Minimum invasiveness, short sessions, the possibility of quickly returning to social life with a face that represents the best version of themselves, without distortions. These are the requirements of the most desired treatments" says Marco Iera, a surgeon specialized in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery of the Istituto Clinico Brera in Milan.

In short, the Latin phrase "In medio stat virtus" is always current, the equilibrium is in the middle. And the surgeons and aesthetic doctors are responding to the growing need to see a pleasant and luminous face reflected in the mirror using methods with an imperceptible result. Because the natural aspect is the real trend.

Tandem techniques are also spreading in beauty clinics.

"In the clinic the treatments are more and more integrated, with the application of different methods during the same session, to guarantee the best result with the least trauma for the organism" underlines Marco Klinger, professor of plastic surgery at the University of studies in Milan and head of the Operative Unit of Plastic Surgery at the Humanitas Research Hospital in Rozzano (MI). "Thus, for example, during a cervical minilifting, lipofilling is performed to reconstruct the volumes of the face or improve the shape of the lips. It is the transplantation of adipose tissue taken from the same person, purified and re-injected with large needles. This tool is important because thanks to its large diameter it does not damage the fat cells that carry a precious regenerating stimulus. The implanted fat is not reabsorbed but remains in place ”.

For example, the laser & radiofrequency synergy works to remodel double chin and major sagging of the neck tissues. "Together, they exert a sort of stretching that brings together the collagen fibers," says Steven Paul Nisticò, Director of the School of Specialization in Dermatology, Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro and Coordinator of the Laser Master in Dermatology University of Rome Tor Vergata.

"To give a regenerating lash to the face, the fractional CO2 laser is associated with PRP injections," explains Nisticò. This involves taking a small dose of blood from the person, and injecting the platelet-rich plasma, previously separated from the red blood cells, onto the treated areas, creating a sort of mesh that recalls cutaneous healing cells, releases growth factors and stimulates the fibroblasts to activate the production and creation of new collagen. In short, it is a re-education for the epidermis, which is induced to produce by itself what is necessary to preserve tone and elasticity.

Autologous fat is an alternative to laboratory preparations used for fillers. "Using a patented instrument called Lipogems, it is taken from a donor area (arms, abdomen, hips or thighs), separated from the inflamed and disintegrated component without damaging it or crushing it. In this way we obtain intact fat cells, with a densely vascularized surface, which, once implanted, give consistency and blend perfectly with the tissues. Not only: they reactivate and accelerate the natural regenerative processes "explains professor Carlo Tremolada scientific director Image Regenerative Clinic Milan. "This method is associated with injections with hyaluronic acid if it is necessary to complete the lips contour remodeling."

francesca marotta


Francesca Marotta: giornalista di moda e beauty, curiosa, sognatrice, anticonformista. Amo l’Italia, l’arte, le esperienze, gli stili di vita, il design... da wow!