Revolutionizing fashion

Definitely saying goodbye to unawareness and evanescence and also putting into play a sense of responsibility when it comes to fashion has become a dicktat. The time has come to affirm our ability to affect the future even when we buy a new suit. The tools can be found in the book The revolution starts from your wardrobe by Luisa Ciuni and Marina Spadafora, which carefully delves into everything we need to know about sustainable fashion.
Taking into account the ethical and environmental impact of a garment, or accessory, must guide every choice. Pollution, overproduction, exploitation of the labor force of the poorest countries are some of the problems generated by the fashion industry, and the road to becoming conscious consumers begins with what we own: do we really need everything? Plus, buying less and investing in lasting creations must be the new mantra. The throwaway must be abolished, so the fascination of fast fashion: who loses if we buy a pair of pants at a "bargain" price?
The two authors identify as fundamental the commitment of buyers to trigger a process that makes this world eco friendly. We are living a first step now, with the crisis linked to the Covid-19 health emergency with industry analysts decreeing the golden moment of vintage. But will we be able to maintain this lifestyle even when the crisis is over? Publisher Solferino Libri.